Integrated Counselling

Feeling stuck, anxious, apprehensive, uncertain or hopeless? Unmotivated, distracted, disengaged, disconnected or worried? Experienced depression, OCD, panic attacks, substance abuse or self-harm? We can help you accept what is; alleviate avoiding, denying & struggling with difficult emotions & choices made. When we adapt flexibility & compassion, reflect on our values; we are able to take action to change, find our purpose and create what matters to us without feelings of shame & guilt. Individuals or Couples. With Registered Counsellor Salayeh. $120-$180 or book a free 15-minute phone enquiry. Salayeh also offers a Tantra program.

Reiki Healing & Spiritual Blueprint

Please book at least 3 business days in advance to allow preparation. This Reiki service offers something unique. Salayeh incorporates a basic level spiritual and intimacy blueprint, that gives insight into your North Node and uses numerology to help you understand the challenges you are here to overcome and the gifts and services you are here to offer the world. Reiki promotes a sense of confidence and peace, bringing out feelings of joy, love, and inner trust. It helps you to remember who you are. With Salayeh. $222.

Know Your Blueprint

There is only one you.. you are so unique and only you can bring forward what is within you. The Blueprint will blow you away; give you the confidence of owning & embodying your greatness; and set you free, in your Money Journey, Intimacy, Your Genius, Your Relationships, Your Legacy. Half face-to-face consultation & half collating information. Receive a hardcopy of your Blueprint and some Next Level coaching by Salayeh on how to make powerful changes in your life. With Salayeh. 12 hours. $800 over 4 weeks.

Inner-Outer Child Healing Mastermind

Your inner child is that innocent, intuitive, fun-filled, little soul that just wants to create, play, and use their imagination. They are that part of us that reminds us to have fun, not take things so seriously, lighten up a little, & relax. Yet somewhere along the way, we become so serious as adults due to many factors that make us feel hurt, unheard, left out, scared, abandoned, shamed, and lonely. We become sad, angry, overwhelmed, and disillusioned… (read more below). A 4-hour program over 4 weeks. With Salayeh. $800 over 4 weeks.

Note: Our registered counsellors will make additional times available to see you if the appointment times on our booking page are unsuitable or not soon enough. Please click here or see the bottom of this page for contact details.
